Gallery - Travolta
anyone notice the big white plane parked in the driveway? lucky bastard!
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i cant takes this!!!she broke up wth me!!mybe i jump here.its help.....
View ArticleGallery - 132Fly_work
Morning Sir Want to know if you can extend flying time with biger battery and what will the effect of a weight differnce be on a 735-85 Wireless Radio Control Chopper
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My son, now retired, was a helicopter pilot at Fairchild when this happened. He had been practicing landings in virtually the exact spot where the B-52 augered in. He was vectored away to a different...
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Only someone who has lived in Cheyenne, Wyoming can truly appreciate this. It is more fact than humor. I tell people that if it snows in Cheyenne, it lands in Denver.
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Hey, Bob! Yeah, Frank. It never fails, you get your plane washed and waxed and a bunch of birds comes along. I'm going hunting this weekend and shoot every *&^% bird I see!!!
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The other fatal L-1011 crash was in the Florida Everglades, west of Miami. part of the aircraft was later shwown by grund-penetrating radar to be 80' underground. She hit at over 400 kts.
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also possibly from ace combat zero? notice writing almost cropped off at the top
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The United States used these and other weapons to stop Serbia from attacking and killing innocent Islamics living in the Kosovo region of Serbia. The Islamics, in turn attacked the United States to...
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